CCAS and Portable meals

CCAS and Portable meals

Our Mission

The C.C.A.S of the Community of Séez

The Municipal Social Action Centre is presided over by right of the Mayor of the Community.
Its board of directors is made up equally of locally elected representatives appointed by the Municipal Council and by qualified people in the social action sector (representatives of the family associations, the handicapped, retirees and elderly people as well as representatives of associations working in the field of the fight against exclusion), appointed by the Mayor.
Parity brings to the CCAS a stronger coherence of intervention since it is part of the reality and diversity of the community and the society in which it is organised. In addition, it induces cooperation negotiated and adapted between the elected officials, the associated world and social professionals.

What are our objectives ?
It is above all an objective of solidarity.
The CCAS drives a general action of prevention and social development in the community in link with public and private institutions.

Our role :
– to ensure a social link for the elderly
– to assist the applicant in the constitution of social assistance

– to direct people to the appropriate structures (Departmental Council, “Service Etoile”, …)
– to work in conjunction with OPAC Moûtiers
– to work in coordination with “Service Etoile” for home help services (portable meals …)
– to grant optional social assistance


The “Service Etoile” in the community of Haute Tarentaise is a local service that provides, informs and accompanies the elderly or handicapped and their carers, as well as professionals in gerontology and home care.
Its aim is organised according to different actions :

Individual follow up of people

The coordinator accompanies the person, taking into account their needs and their environnement, to offer different home services in partnership with professionals in the sector.

Help with administrative procedures

The “Service Etoile” is at the disposal of families to help them with various administrative procedures : CMU files, APA, Home help, EHPAD, MDPH…

Portable meals

The “Service Etoile” coordinates and organises the home delivery of meals in the communities of Bourg Saint Maurice and Séez.

Loaning of adapted equipment

The “Service Etoile” provides free medical equipment to facilitate home care (walking frames, bath seats, bedpans…).
For any information, reservations or loans, contact the Service Etoile on+33 (0) .

Collective social transport for shopping

The “Service Etoile” set up a collective, public social transport service that accompanies isolated and/or people of low income to food and grocery stores.

Prevention actions

The “Service Etoile” implements various preventative actions throughout the year : support for caregivers from France Alzheimer, paging workshops, prevention of falls…

Collective actions

In collaboration with the partners of the sector, festive meet ups are offered to seniors (“Blue Week”, Summer snacks…)

Coordination of partners and professionals in the field of gerontology

The “Service Etoile” also manages coordination with social services and health professionals. For this purpose, they have created “Guide Seniors Haute Tarentaise“, “, which summarises all the useful topics.the section concering the Senior Guides Find useful information on : the directory of health professionnals and the directory of other organisms.


Service Etoile (Information point for seniors and discale people in the Haute Tarentaise)
40, Avenue de haute Tarentaise
73700 Bourg Saint Maurice
+33 (0)
Open from Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 12.00am and from 1.30pm to 4.00pm.
Closed on Wednesdays.
Interviews with the coordinator by appointment, at home or at the office.

Délibérations et comptes rendus CCAS

Délibération du 12/04/2024 : Télécharger
Délibération du 06/12/2023 : Télécharger
Délibération du 21/09/2023 : Télécharger
Délibération du 28/03/2023 : Télécharger
Délibération du 08/02/2023 : Télécharger
Délibération du 10/11/2022 : Télécharger

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • April
    • 12
  • December
    • 06
  • September
    • 21
  • March
    • 28
  • February
  • November
    • 10

Fichiers téléchargeables - 10 November 2022

compte rendu séance du 10.11.2022 acte 2022-006 acte 2022-007 acte 2022-008