Local Police

Local Police

Location :


The Municipal Police, under the authority of the local community Mayor, ensure good order, safety and public security. They ensure a real presence in the field complimenting the local Police in serving the population.

The municipal police watch:
– traffic and parking especially during sports events, eve
– offenses relating to road safety (Speed, phone while driving, Stop, Direction forbidden.) on all axes of the municipality.
– safety around schools (Crossing the Children, Child restraint system in a vehicle)
– the smooth running of works on the town (cranes, construction sites, declaration of work and building permit)
– dog straying and dangerous dog declaration
– to the maintenance and pruning of hedges
– to the habitat: Building threatening ruin, salubrity

Canine excrement
Pollution of all kinds

The municipal police work with the technical services to ensure the parking of vehicles to facilitate the passage of snow removal equipment

Skills :

To note any infractions to the Mayor’s police, the highway code, the penal code, the environmental code, the town planning code, the road codes and the code of public health. They work in coordination with the National Police Service.


Occupation of the public domain

The occupation of the public domain by a private person is conditioned by obtaining an authorisation, issued by the manager of the public domain. This authorisation is issued on a temporary, precarious and revocable basis.
The general secretariat issues the authorisations for the occupation of the public domain in the form of a municipal by-law, and upon a reasoned request from the interested party, filed at least 10 days before. These are the occupations necessary for carrying out external work (eg: restoration, renovation of roofing …) which may affect the pavement and the parking spaces (in a blue zone). It is necessary to directly address the Municipal Services (+33 (0) – administratif@seez.fr) or the Municipal Police (+33 (0)6.13 .73.40.05).
A form should is downloadable below, and it must specify the nature of the occupation, the dimensions concerned, and the period or periods desired.

Declaration of dangerous dogs

List of documents required:

  • Identification card of the animal.
  • Birth certificate including it’s pedigree (registration in “Livre des Origines Françaises”).
  • Valid anti-rabies vaccination certificate.
  • Certificate of insurance guaranteeing the civil liability of the owner.
  • Veterinary sterilisation certificate (for the 1st category only).
  • Behavioural evaluation of the dog.
  • Certificate of aptitude after dog training and behaviour.
  • National Identity Card.
Holiday tranquillity operation

The OTV is a free service for residents who want to monitor their homes during the holidays. The operation begins each year in June and ends in late September.
Police officers are likely to apprehend anyone who has not been reported by the owner as being at the home during his absence. To benefit from this service, simply go to the Municipal Police or fill out the form on the website.

Empty house

Terms of obtaining a local certificate or certificate for a vacated house which is empty of any furniture:

Following the receiving of your request by mail, the Municipal Police Service ascertains and recognises the inoccupation of your dwelling (empty of any furniture) in the period between 1st and 31st January.

But also...

The Municipal Police are also in charge of:

  • Supervision of funeral operations
  • General code of local and regional authorities
  • Posters (City Council)
  • Municipal arrest
  • Regulation of neighbourhood noise
  • Lost property service: The municipal police centralize the found objects – If your object is not on the place of loss, you are advised to contact the service. In any case, if your object is identifiable (last name, first name, address) a letter of convocation will be sent to you as soon as it is registered in the service.
Opening hours and contact


From Monday to Friday : 8:30am-12:00am / 14:00pm-17:00pm


25 rue Célestin Freppaz
73700 SEEZ

Phone : +33 (0)4 79 41 00 54 or +33 (0)6 13 73 40 05
Mail : police@seez.fr