School and Extracurricular Services

School and Extracurricular Services


The school-period childcare service is open to children aged between 3 and 11 years old attending schools in the communes of Bourg Saint Maurice, Séez and Les Chapelles. This reception takes place at the Centre elementary school in Bourg Saint-Maurice.

Registration is possible for a cycle, for the year, for the season or occasionally (depending on available places).

The fees will be based on the family income.
On booking :+33 (0)4 79 07 99 64 or

Extra-curricular services

The after-school service is responsible for the various services offered to parents during after-school hours:

School canteen: management of registrations with transmission of lists to the schools and extracurricular staff, ordering of meals.
Garderie – study: management of registrations with transmission of the lists to the schools and to the extracurricular staff, readjustment of payments.

Registrar's Office - Extracurricular activities

The Civil Service – Extracurricular department is located at 25, Rue Saint Jean-Baptiste

Opening times :

Monday to Friday :  9am – 12.00am

Closed on bank holidays

Tél. +33 (0)4 79 41 06 95 –

Morning and Evening

A non-academic reception service is offered in the mornings from 7.20am to 8.20am and in the evenings from 4.20pm to 6.30pm.
This reception service is also available on Wednesdays from 11.30am to 12.30am at nursery (for children from 2 schools).
Registration or unregistration is possible 24 hours before

Supervised studies

Primary school teachers offer students a supervised study service from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Registration is to be made at the Town Hall, via post to the extracurricular services mailbox or online.
Registration or unregistration is possible 24 hours before.

This service is subject to a payment upon registration


The children of Séez schools are always welcomed on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at lunchtime in the school canteen at the Chalet du Soleil, rue du Solü.
A quality service that meets current standards

This service meets strict specifications: compliance with hygiene and food safety standards and following the recommendations relating to nutrition of the GEMRCN (Groupe d’Etude des Marchés de Restauration Collective et de Nutrition).
The Bourg Saint-Maurice Hospital is committed to offering menus adapted to the age of the children, to providing quality and varied meals (with themed meals for traditional occasions), and to setting up a follow-up evaluation of the service.
Organic products are also introduced in the menus: one organic item per day and one organic menu per term.

As the meals are ordered in advance, we would be grateful if you could respect the deadline for registration (at the latest on Monday at 11.30 pm for the following week).

The service is subject to payment on registration (€6.20 per meal)

Menus from 3rd to 21th of february 2025

Menus from 10th of march to 18th of april 2025